
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ron Paul Rally......

My sisters and some friends watching

A sign
Waiting for Ron Paul

Afterward me and my sisters were able to shake his hand!

It was so neat to be able to see Ron Paul in person and be able to shake his hand! His speech was very good!!



Our Animals!

Obie is getting quite big!

We thought we had a broody hen, but she ended up
not being broody!!

Dust baths anyone??



JoJo in her new dress.......

Enjoy the picture of JoJo in her dress! When I was at my sister's house we sewed some summer dresses for her and since it has been gorgeous weather then she has been able to wear them!



Friday, February 10, 2012

Mister Plush

Simon used to be our cat's name, but I think we have changed it to Mister Plush. His fur is so plush so that is why. Here are some pics:

Guess who he is spying on??

He has such pretty blue eyes!!



Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Homeschool Day at the Capitol

Yesterday we had alot of fun at the Capitol! There was about 1000 homeschoolers that showed up. We talked to a few representatives and senators. We also attended a Town Hall Meeting and saw the court in action. It was nice to see the inside of the Capitol. 

Here are some pictures: 

Your blogging friend,


Friday, February 3, 2012


Today we got 2 1/4" of rain!! :) We desperately needed the rain!

Since it has been ssssooo warm the daffodils are already coming up and there are a few blooms! It is hard to believe that it is at the beginning of February and we haven't had cold tempatures! Hopefully it stays this way and we go right into Spring!

We also are going to start planting our garden! YEAH! R & L are going to till the garden pretty soon and then we are going to plant radishes, lettuce, potatoes, etc. Anything that grows good when it is cool and not too hot.

We are getting about 8-11 eggs a day! We have been letting them free range and so that helps some. We are wanting to get some more chicks in the Spring. We might get some banty's. They are so funny to watch since they are so little.

I would post some pics but the internet is slow.

Your blogging friend,



I will link to my sister Rebekah's blog for pics of the OKC zoo. We had a very nice time. My favorite animal is the monkeys!

Your blogging friend,
