
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fun at Celebration Station

Celebration Station is a place that has go-karts, bumper boats, little go-karts, miniature golf and arcade games. We had a lot of fun! There was not a line at the big go-karts so we were able to ride over and over again. They let us ride as many times as we wanted to. We brought a picnic lunch so we enjoyed eating at a picnic table outside. It was a gorgeous cool day, so a perfect day to go.

Eliana riding the little go-karts

Lydia waiting for the signal to go

Taking off

Lydia on the track

Rebekah coming in from the track

Bumper Boats:


Mom and JoJo






Friday, May 4, 2012

Update on the farm

Here are a few updates on the farm:

We have 19 of our chicks that we hatched out of the incubator are doing very well. They are about three weeks old now and getting big. It is so fun to have different breeds of chickens.

We got 52 broiler chicks a couple weeks ago. Four of them have died so we have 48 living. We are planning on moving them out of the brooder and into a pen outside. Only six more weeks until we can butcher them!

I have been halter-breaking AnnaBelle! She is doing very well and getting SO big. She enjoys being on a lead outside so she can eat grass. We are going to have her dehorned on the 14th of this month. We tried to do the Dr. Naylor's Dehorning Paste when she was three weeks old, but it got one horn and not the other :(

We are going to get Rosie bred next month. Rosie has been giving about 41/2- 5 gallons of milk a day. The flies were VERY bad so we found a fly spray that works really well. We tried to use a natural fly spray but it didn't work.

Here is a garden update:

Our garden is doing pretty well. We had some strawberries that were almost ready to pick, but a chicken got out and ate them :( We have buds on the green beans and peas, so hopefully soon we will have both. The potatoes are doing very well also. We are trying to keep ahead of the potato bugs and their eggs. Something has been eating the tomato plants, so those aren't doing well. The peppers are starting to get closer to have flowers. There are little squash on the plants! The cucumbers and the zucchini looks very well.

Enjoy the update,
