
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Canning Chicken

Mom and I have been canning chicken and chicken broth the past couple days!! The reason is because one of our freezers isn't working, so we are needing to can. We really like it canned. It flakes apart like tuna.

For those of you that don't know how to can chicken this is how:

Step 1: You cut up raw chicken into 1" chunks without bones. (You can also boil the chicken first then take it off the bones)

Step 2: Next get quart or pint sized canning jars. Make sure you wash them.

Step 3: Then take the cut up chicken and put it in the jars. You need to leave a 1" head space so there is enough room to not boil over. After you fill them put the lids on them and put them in hot water in the sink.

Step 4: Start the pressure canner and let it simmer then put the jars in.

Step 5: Now put the lid on the pressure canner and let it get hot enough to steam. Once it starts steaming then time it for 7 minutes.

Step 6: After it is done steaming then screw the steam thing down. Now let it get to 10 pounds of pressure and keep it there for 1 hour and 15 mins.

Step 7: After it is done, turn off the burner and let it go back down to 0 pounds, then screw the steam thing so it is loose.

Step 8: Take the lid off and put the jars on a towel on the counter. You should here them all "pop" that means that they are sealing!! We really enjoy hearing the popping noise!!

Hopefully that all makes sense!

Your blogging friend,


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